Friday, September 23, 2011

Please, Get Off The Road

Friday means two things.  Sleeping in tomorrow, and, getting some things off my chest.  I don't know what I would do with Christy and Boobies to make this happen.  Ok, I would just write this stuff anyway.  But come on, I know how it feels to have a photo meme that you want people to link up to, but they are scared.  Scared I tell you.  Well, fine.  You know, imaginations and photo's are the bomb-diggity.

Whilst (my new favorite word) driving home from work on Wednesday, we (my carpool buddy and myself) had just exited I-15 and were heading west.  The car in front of me needed to get over because they were going to turn left at the next light.  Said light was red, so traffic was stopped.  See Miss "I'm too sexy for my sunglasses" over there.  Well, She was just too fracking "important" to let a mere other car scoot in front of her to get closer to the left turn lane.  Wait, what else happened you ask?  Well, there was so much traffic that Miss I.T.S.F.M.S. didn't even make the green light.  Had to sit through another red with the rest of us peons.  I asked my carpool buddy to snap a photo of her sexiness.  Fracking Witch

Further down the road was this fine piece of womanhood.  There was a huge ole, slow moving semi in my lane.  I decided to move to the next lane.  Put my blinker on, look over my shoulder, should have plenty of room.  Until Miss "I Need To Get Where I'm Going" decided that she would SPEED UP so I couldn't move over. Not a good day for Dazee on the roads.  Rage was ensuing.  (shocked I know)

Frack you to a certain male (not related to me at all) that is a controlling poophead.  A big ole bloody diarrhea poophead.  I know for a fact the Karma bus is on its way.  You are lucky you live across the country from me.  Nuff said.

Now, on a serious note.  

My dear friend, Noelle at Because Nice Matters,  needs all the thoughts and prayers for her little baby Emily.  She was born with a bad heart valve, and had surgery a week after she was born.  Here are Noelle's own words. 

(her 4 year old cousin has called her Elimy since before she was born)

Miss Elimy has an infection in her incision.
A serious one.
One that has most likely been growing ever since her surgery, and just in the last week presented itself so that I could see it.
The infection is deep, going all the way to her still healing sternum.
 After being at Primary Children's for just two hours Emily was taken into surgery, where they opened her up and cleaned out the infection.
Her incision was left open, and tomorrow and the day after that, and probably the day after that, they will clean her incision and give her continuous antibiotics.
Thank you guys.  I know Noelle and her family would appreciate all the support they can get.

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