Are you ready to get your frack on? If you are, grab the little purple haired lady over there on the right side, and come back and link up. Let it out, let it alllllllll out.
Dear Home Owners Association
What the frack dudes! Your little rules and regulations regarding what we can and can't put up on our own lot is starting to make me want to pull out the voodoo doll in your favor. After having to replace numerous trees, bushes and flowers because of the "beloved deer population", we sent you a letter, as required by your board, to ask about putting up a horse mesh type fencing in an area of our back yard that we weren't able to fence, because the pack of thieves deer are able to get into our back yard and poop, eat our vegetation, and drop deer ticks. We have spent over a thousand dollars replacing said vegetation in our front yard, and now in the back, this year alone.
Proof of Thieves In The Neighbor Behind Us Yard.
Don't you love how the one deer is looking at me like, "what, I'm not eating anything"
What the Frack is up with your response.
"Many neighbors are in the same situation. I personally replaced sixteen trees before fencing my back yard. Now the deer concentrate on my front yard. I have found a couple of products sold at Lowe's that will deter the deer from eating your foliage--One is a spray product called
Repels All and the other is a disk that mounts on a wire that is raised and sets in your flower beds and it's called Sweeney's Deer Repel-ant..
Both products work very well"
We beg to differ, Mr. HOA Board Member. The repels do nothing but kill your trees, and the deer-resistant trees, bushes and flowers are a sham. Did you know that the deer can't read the little "all about this tree" thing. Its true. Somewhere in their schooling they didn't get the memo.
We have fenced both sides of our back yard. As you can see from the above photo of the deer, there is a rock wall. Well, you can't see it really well, but trust me, it's there. We can not fence there because if we did, all kinds of things could get stuck behind the fence, and cause a stink if they were to die. Oh, it would be nice if everyone was supposed to fence their backyards.
You know what I fracking think? I think all deer should have to be fitted with one of those electric dog collar things. Then all the owners could put up the electric fence to keep the deer from coming on to their property. Hey, they find a way to put tags to track other animals.
So, HOA or as I'm going to call you from now on, HOH (holding owners hostage), you have won the What The Frack award of the week.