Sunday, December 5, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - 12.5.10

  It's Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  Brought to us by Ashley at Ramblings and Photos.  I love this meme.  It lets me think of wild and crazy ways to take pictures.  This weeks subjects are:

1. In My Home

No need to explain.  But I do think my wine rack rocks.
2. It's beginning to look a lot like...

A peanut butter jelly sandwich.  :)  Hey, there's a christmas tree in there too.

3. Sweet Treat

Oh yeah, cookies and cake.  Does it get any better than this.  Why yes, a big ole glass of milk on ice. 

4. Time

It's time for my doctors appointment.  Yeah, they thought I was a goonball for asking if I could take the picture, but hey, we all know that I am.

5. Everyday

My office at work.  Don't be jealous of my cute pink tape dispenser shoe.  Or my M&M coffee mug, or my tiger mouse pad.  I know, that are awesome.

Next weeks subjects are:

1.Holiday Colors
2.Winter/Holiday Icon
3.A Tree
5.Your Favorite Color
Think about playing along, it is fun.