Friday, December 10, 2010

Sweetness Abounds

Ok, as you all know, I was raised mormon.   I had always heard that a lot of the girls that attend the church owned university, BYU, went there for their M.R.S. degree.  The BYU Divine Comedy club came out with a play on Katy Perry's Californial Girlz.  By the way, I'm being a way video freak this month, aren't I.

Now on to some REALLY sweet things.  I stopped at a local Harmons Grocery store the other day because we all know I have donut cravings.  Their bakery is one of the best I've seen in grocery stores.  So I was deciding whether or not to get me a lemon bar (and the answer was yes), when my eyes were drawn to their cupcakes.


Are those reindeer just the cutest things ever.  I don't know if I could even eat them.  The antlers were made with pretzels.  By the way, I'm not even nervous to ask people anymore if I can take a picture.  It's a whole new me.

Have a really sweet day.