Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday Centus - Elves Shoppe

Jenny Matlock

I'm caving people.  Yes, I am.  June Freaking Cleaver does this little meme every saturday.  It's her fault.  I made the mistake of commenting that I couldn't do this, but she has faith in me people.  Faith, I tell you.  How do I not at least try, for her.  Besides, she always forces inspires me to do things with her comments to me.  Don't believe me, check this out.

This meme is actually hosted by Jenny Matlock.  What she does is post a prompt for you to use.  You then write a little ditty up to 100 words, and the prompt doesn't count towards the 100 words.  Now, if you don't get it, go check out her site and she will explain it so much better than me.

Brentivus was out trying to find that last perfect gift for his little pixie Dazeemae.  He was going store to store, not finding what he wanted.  While mumbling to himself, he was whisked away, as if by a twinkling of an eye, to the North Pole. 

Oh, the things that he saw.  He was looking for some newfangled thing that she had written to Santa that she wanted.  Some, make only one cup of coffee, thingamajig.  He looked and looked.  All he saw was the same old fashioned coffee makers.   He mumbled out loud, "What was he thinking? OMG! Elves are soooo 2009..."
Dear hubby, hint hint