Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Day I Divorced Winter

Sorry about the quality of the first 2 pictures.  I used my phone camera and it was dark, and, well, that's why not so good.

As you can see, it was a mild ZERO degrees first thing yesterday morning.  Good thing my car has a really fast heater.
 Here it is when I got to work.  I proceeded to walk into my office, looked at the white board that I posted about yesterday, laughed my head off, erased it and wrote, Dear Winter, I want a Divorce!  Dazee (not even love Dazee, cuz it doesn't deserve my love anymore)
Now, because we are all sick and tired of the cold and snow, well except for Baby Sister, I decided that a little field trip to the warm beaches was in store.  I present to you, the top sand sculptures as per Dazee.  Hope you all have your permission slips, because I don't want to be fired.

I'm going to call this first one the exodus from the snow-infested east.  Do you see yourself in there somewhere?
I'm thinking this guy blew in from Oz.  You know, from the forest where the trees throw the apples.  Yup.  Get out of his way.
King Kong, he's all sorts of pissed at the snowy weather, just look at his face.
When all else fails, drink.  Drink till you can't remember why you're drinking.  Besides, drinking makes you hot.  You've killed 2 birds with one stone.
By far, this is my favorite one of all.  It screams, HOT WEATHER.  Flip flops and an ankle bracelet.  Yeah, my foot was the model for this sculpture.  Kind of sexy, don't ya think.
That was a fun field trip.   I wish I was talented like some people are. 

Things are looking up, Phil said we are going to have an early spring.  One can only hope.