Wednesday, November 26, 2014

So I Snuck Into My Kitchen..........

As you may or may not know, my father passed away this past April.  He was in a care center, so about a month before he went to the great beyond, my mother was moved into my house.  She has her own living quarters.  It has a nice size family room, a walk in closet, a bedroom with more closets and a really nice size bathroom.  

The only thing she needs to share with us is the kitchen and laundry room.  She even has her own entrance into her place, so people that just want to see her don't have to bother us.

I am now the caretaker for my mom.  Some times are good, sometimes are not so good, and sometimes things just crack me up.

I'm going to do a weekly report on being a caretaker.  I know many of you might be responsible for your aging parents, or very ill children so I would like to make this a forum to discuss and just be there for each other.

This week's subject is going to be

Sneaking Into Your Own Kitchen

The other night, after spending a good amount of time with mom, I waited and waited till I heard her go into her place and shut the door.  I stealthfully made my approach to the kitchen to get a piece of homemade chocolate cake.  (yes, she made homemade cake, you can be jealous)  I had just about made my escape, when out of the blue her door opens and she comes out.  What the??????

Since when is it a crime to GO TO MY OWN KITCHEN, AND EAT WHATEVER I WANT???

I guess maybe it is my own fault, letting it make me feel that way.  Gone are the days of just doing what I want, when I want, and not getting the "mother evil eye".  I have found out that mom has a bigger sweet tooth than me.  I was eating her stash.  (Help me)

Have you had any funny experiences being a caretaker?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Music Memory Monday 11.21.14

It's Monday, and we all know what that means.  No, not back to work day, well maybe for some of you but not me.  It's time once again for your favorite tag along meme, 


What?  You haven't played along yet.  Well you just don't know how much fun you are missing out on.  Now get with it.  I know you all have songs that bring back memories.

Today I am going with a song that was popular in 1968.  I would have been the ripe old age of 11.  My family lived in Colorado Springs at the time, and during the month of December we had a huge blizzard.  Now, for some of you, this is no big deal, but I remember Colorado Springs as pretty nice weather most of the time.  

We were without power for 3 days.  Our house didn't have a fireplace so my mom had to come up with a way to warm up/cook food.  To this day I remember her taking the cooling racks that you put cookies on, propping it up with an unopened can of something on the 4 corners, sticking candles underneath the rack, and sitting a pan on top.  Yeah, people that grew up in the depression can always come up with cool ways to do things.

Anyway, one of the songs that year, besides all of the Beatle songs was


I loved the song, even before they made a movie out of it.  I picked the video that shows scenes from the movie, but they used the original song by Jeannie C. Riley.  Enjoy

Please join on up.  I love to hear the music and stories that bring up memories for you.

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Monday, November 17, 2014

Music Memory Monday 11.17.14

Time once again for my little play along (hahaha, get it, Play) meme, 


My selection for this week has a story behind it.  

Once upon a time, in a place far, far away, there was 2 sisters.  The older sister took ballet lessons.  Her teacher's name was Miss Barbara.  She was one scary, ole, bwitch.  The younger sister of ballerina, was a shy, quiet child.  It was me.  Hey, stop laughing, I was, once upon a time.  This young quiet child took about 2 lessons from Miss Barbara, and other than the fact that I don't have one dancing bone in my body, I just couldn't overcome my fear of the lady.  

My sister was getting good enough that she was trying to get into TOE SHOES.  Miss Barbara, being the fine outstanding, lover of all children, especially her students, who she so lovingly would poke with an ice pick if their legs moved the wrong way, would make those aspiring to become prima ballerina's, learn to stand on their tippy toes, WITHOUT TOE SHOES, for a long time.  I want to say, 3 to 4 hours, but she was a witch, remember.  I'm not sure about the time, but my sister would practice in the hallway, right by the front door, standing on those toes, to the following song.  And not the shortened version that I found.  The full, drawn out, all on side one the album.

IN-DA-GADDA-DA-VIDA by Iron Butterfly

A true ballet inspired song if I have ever heard one.  :)

And yes, dear ole sister, to this day, can still stand on those toes without the toe shoes.  
Your turn, let me know what song brings up memories for you.
Music Memory Monday
1. cynia  

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Monday, November 10, 2014

Music Memory Monday 11.10.14

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

How many times have I said I'm back, and then it is weeks and weeks before I post.  Well, my before Thanksgiving resolution is to do it.  

So I'm starting a new meme.  I'm calling it


Every Monday I'm going to post a song from the past that I remember.  I would love for you all to link up and play along.  Well, maybe all 2 of you that still follow me.  :)

The song that I have chosen for this weeks fun and excitement is


This song is from way back in 1969 when I was not even a teen.  Yet I still remember it.

Join on up.  If you dare.   Mwaaa-haaa-haaa
A music memory
1. cynia  2. The Voices Within Unleashed  

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