Last night his parents went on a date. They wanted to sleep in Grammie's water bed. Now before you think that my waterbed is some old fashioned 1970 waterbed, it's not. It's a really awesome looking soft side waterbed of the 2000's. And I love it. But I digress.
Him and his older sister fell asleep around 10:00 pm. Him on the couch so I moved him to the bed. His sister, she went in and got in bed with him. Meanwhile, their 2-1/2 year old little sister was missing her mom and dad big time. So for the next 2 hours, off and on, she would cry for her mommy. "mmmyyyy mmmoooommmmmmyyy wwwiiilll hhhuuuggg mmmeee". I said, grammie will hug you. No, she didn't want to have anything to do with that. So her and I stayed up and watched Nick Jr. She finally fell asleep around midnight. I carried her to the bed, did all my nighttime routine, and went to dreamland.
A little while later I'm awaken by my son-in-law, carrying my oldest granddaughter out of the room. He has already made one trip with the little one. He comes back to get my grandson. I should have just texted them that I told the kids they could sleep with me. Oh well. Sidebar, we have a basement apartment where my daughter and her family live. It makes it really easy to babysit them. :)
Being that I am an oldie but goodie, I had to wake up at about 3 to take care of my need of the toilet. When I wake up, I feel some feet down by my feet. Shock, who is it. Did they not take all the kids downstairs? I get out of bed, go take care of business, go to move "the body", which turns out to be my grandson. I move him next to me in the bed. That kid. I'm still wondering if he was just not taken downstairs. Bright and early, ok, not too bright, but like 7:30 am, he says, "grammie, is it time to wake up?" I'm trying to open my eyes, and I say yes. Then I said, I thought your dad took you downstairs. Another sidebar: he says that he sleepwalks and gets into bed with mom and dad everynight, but remember, he just sleepwalks. hehe. He said, "grammie, I remembered that you said we could sleep with you so I came back upstairs." But this time he didn't blame it on sleepwalking. What a cute little guy.
That is one of the sweetest "dreams" I've had in a while.
Cute!!!! :) :)
ReplyDeletehahahah! My little man. He sure loves his Grammie! I'm so happy they are comfortable with you! Even little Ava who is going through a total faze. Someday she won't want me around so much! haha! Thanks for watching them!