Warning. This is probably one of the longest posts I've ever done. I'm sorry.
Being the well informed person that I am, hahaha, hahahaha, wait, ok, my fantasy, I was reading one of the Opinion writers in our local newspaper, The Salt Lake Tribune. When the whole Rush, the puke, Limbaugh, did his calling that woman those awful names, he did a post on it.
This last week, he did a follow up post on it because some of the commenter's were, shall we say, up in the night.
This whole thing has made me so mad that I can't even stand it. I'm sick and fracking tired of others trying to take decisions out of my hand. Don't even get me going on some of the laws that our Utah Legislature passed this session.
"going to my happy place"
K, I can continue on now.
I started reading some of the comments on the above post and was seeing red after reading one commenter's comments. I will put all of her "statements" in red. I will put my thoughts in purple. Most of the replies are from people replying to her.
It's all centered around The Pill vs Viagra
Spinazi (hey, it's public record, I'm giving her her stardom)
Contraception is not health care. It is something that interferes with the normal functioning of the female body. Synthetic hormones that are used to treat disease or dysfunction would be covered like any prescriptive medicine.
You are wrong. Birth control pills are used all the time to treat problems such as excessive bleeding. Some insurance refuses to cover bc pills because the insurers are stingy and mean spirited. Are you going to tell me you have a uterus, and that you ever took oral contraceptives to deal with excessive bleeding? I have a uterus, and I did take bc pills for that reason, at one time.
I said "contraception is not health care". When synthetic hormones are used exclusively to prevent conception they cannot be considered health care any more than "withdrawal", condoms, or the rhythm method are counted as health care.
Synthetic hormones have other uses and when used to treat disease or dysfunction they are viewed as health care.
All insurers are "stingy" because they are in the business of collecting money for investment; paying claims is a cost of doing business and is to be avoided or at least minimized.
There is more than one reason to use synthetic hormones. I know, because I am female. Synthetic hormones in the form of birth control pills can be sued to stop excessive bleeding so a woman does not become anemic or have to miss work several days a month. Using birth control pills in the 40s (even for a woman who is not sexually active) can help reduce symptoms of perimenopause, and decrease the risk of developing ovarian cancer If you want to argue with me about this issue, you better be a doctor or a female, and you are neither.
I am a sixty-nine year-old woman who worked in the medical profession for thirty years.
As I said before, there is no issue concerning the use of synthetic hormones to treat dysfunction and disease; medical treatment is covered by insurance. Conception and pregnancy are not dysfunctions or disease states and using synthetic hormones to interfere with conception or as an abortifacient cannot be said to be treating dysfunction or disease. By the same token a chemical that interfered with a man's ability to achieve an erection or to ejaculate - both natural functions - could not be construed to be health care.
But oddly enough. Ones used to enhance or cause an erection, whether medically nessicary(sp sorry, dlst) or not, are covered by most insurance plans.
Very, very true. You can't tell me that 75% of the men that take Viagra truly have erection problems. They just want it when they want it.
An erection isn't "medically necessary", it is a normal bodily function of the male. It is the dysfunction that is treated.
Ovulation isn't "medically necessary", it is a normal bodily function of the female. Stopping that function creates a dysfunction, it doesn't correct it.
Truly, where is she. This makes me all kinds of fracken pissed. Apparently she didn't have problem periods. I didn't either, but know many women that do and they use it to help with those. ERRRRRRRR
Wait, so you're saying that because "Birth control" is not medically needed it should not be covered? I'm not baggin. It's an honest question.
Right. Medical care is about treatment for medical issues - disease or dysfunction of the body. Ovulation is not a medical issue any more than ejaculation is a medical issue. Should insurance pay for a chemical that would prevent you from getting an erection so you would not be able to fertilize the female ovum?
What rock was she born under? Ovulation is a medical issue. Some women don't have regular ovulation. Hold me back.
That depends. You willing to pony up the taxes for it's upbringing and education? Because I for one, could not afford it.
Don't you understand the concept of personal responsibility? Society is not supposed to pay for your sexual activities. Fertility is the natural condition of females from about fourteen until fifty. If you can't afford to be a husband and father then you don't have any business having sex with fertile women. They are not required to chemically-alter themselves because you "can't afford" the consequences.
Viagra treats erectile dysfunction. Ovulation is a normal function of the female, not a dysfunction that requires medical intervention.
there is no such thing as erectile dysfunction!! its all in the mind. it is a medication because men want it only. a women's pill is used for other female problems, vagina mouth!!
I don't agree that ED is all in the mind. I believe there are those with problems, but the medical insurance sure doesn't have a problem paying for those pills. Because its for a man, the almighty.
You are wrong. Various circulatory problems like that caused by diabetes can result in erectile dysfunction. Viagra is not a placebo.
Synthetic hormones that are used for "other female problems" are covered.
Disease processes that affect blood circulation, e.g. diabetes, cause erectile dysfunction and can be treated with Viagra.
Women do not use chemical contraceptives to correct dysfunction or disease, but to to alter their chemistry to prevent normal functioning. The irony is that contraceptives do not enhance recreational sex for women, but make it more available and consequence-free to men.
Dear Spinazi,
The Pill DOES HELP WITH OTHER HEALTH PROBLEMS besides just birth control.
Thank god I didn't go to the doctor you supposedly worked for. You can tell you went to school when women weren't even allowed to vote.
(or you are married to one of the Utah Legislators. just sayin")