In my Honest Scrap post, I mentioned that I was the 2nd of 9 kids. Therefore there were times that I was left to fend for myself. Thinking about it today, dredged up a lot of things that have bothered me.
One of the things from my childhood that I don't understand is having to go in and sign myself up for swimming lessons at the local YMCA. My mom drove me there and dropped me off. I wasn't that old. Like I said, my long term memory sucks. I so wish I had my hubby's brain. I know it was before middle school (or Jr. High as it was called in the olden days). so I had to be 10 to 12. Anyway, I went into the YMCA and had to sign myself up for swimming. I remember filling out the card, and it came to the question sex. I had no idea what to put there. I vaguely remember asking someone what that meant. Little did I know that I just needed to put F for female. But the question really is, why did I have to go sign myself up for swimming lessons at such a young age? Probably because mom had to go do something else with one of the "younger" kids.
We moved from Colorado to Utah the middle of my 8th grade year. So many kids to get registered into new schools. For some reason, I guess it was important that we all do it on the same day. I don't understand this. My older sister was in her first year of high school, I was in the 8th grade, and the rest of the kids were in elementary school. How do we all go to a new school, on the same day, and get all registered. Lucky me, my uncle got to take me to get registered.
The beginning of my 9th grade year, we were in another school. What did I have to do? I had to go to the Junior High and go to the office by myself. I don't even think I had the right paperwork to transfer from one school to another. I didn't know what I was doing, didn't know how to answer their questions. I just know I was there by myself. Again, no adult there to help me.
Today I was thinking about it all. I'm wondering if this is the reason that I have a problem even going to the grocery store by myself. Or any kind of shopping. I know that as my kids were growing up, I would always, it seems like now, beg them to go places with me. I don't understand how people are content to be alone when they go out. I can't see someone eating at a restaurant by themselves without feeling sorry for them. And I know there are some of you out there that even go to movies by yourself. OMG, that would totally be the end of me. I'll wait for it to come out on video before I'll go by myself, thank you very much.
My hubby is the greatest. Every week we do the grocery shopping together. I love spending the time with him. Little does he know, that he is helping me with my insecurities. Well, until now, when he reads my post :).