Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday 5.4.10

Happy Tuesday Everyone.


  1. hehe! And that is my biggest pet peeve-the cars that move over, but they don't move over completely. Makes me want to tear my hair out!

  2. Some freak did that this morning. Little does he know he became blogged today.

  3. My tired is tired ... that's a good one. Great post-its. Happy Tuesday!!!

  4. My rug is trying to trip me too! Is there a rug conspiracy out there??

  5. Gotta watch those evil rugs,schizo cars, and wondering toilet guys! You're so funny!

  6. Yes, I do believe there is a rug conspiracy. I do have a picture of a bruise I got from a rug at work. Hmmm, maybe I should blog about it. And yes, I was soooo tired today, my tired was extremely tired. Angie, honestly, I really wanted to say that out loud to the dude on the phone. But hey, one day I just might :)

  7. You seriously make me laugh! :) I was sitting here reading your blog and I started laughing so hard I went into a coughing attack and couldn't breathe very good for a bit. lol You are killing me! I love it. :)
