You all know my love of a good meme. This is a little one I found on Terri's site, Peace Love & Applesauce.
First a disclaimer. You know my shoe of choice is the flip-flop. But I can dream about gorgeous shoes that I will never be able to wear. First of all, you would die of hysterical laughter if you saw me walk in heels. Second, I DO NOT have that model body. And third, I have such a high instep that if I try to get some shoes on my feet, it's like Prince Charming trying to get my foot into the glass slipper.
Anyshoelater, here is this weeks shoe of pleasure.
Available in these colors
Colin Stuart
Fringe Back-tie Bootie
I found these on Victoria Secrets website. They might not be your cup of tea, but wow, a moccasin in a heal, oh yeah baby.
Bigger yikes. $118.00 for a pair of shoes. My hubby would frown big time on that. Good thing I can't wear them. :)