I have this blogger friend, Bodacious Boomer, who stole this little thing from someone else. I actually think it was an award of some sort, but hell, I don't need an award to do something. I enjoyed her post so much, I'm stealing it, big fat shocker there, and no I didn't get her truth right. What does this mean? She's a pretty damn good liar, that lady is. I'm hoping to use my mad lying skills to the test here.
I will be giving you 5 things that I have done in my life. 4 of them are lies, one of them is the truth. Take your guess in the comment section. A few days from now, I will reveal the correct answer.
1. I have been on TV
2. I once traveled on an airplane under an assumed name.
3. I was an awesome potty trainer.
4. I was beat up by another girl from a different school.
5. I was kicked off a ride at Six Flags for being to fat.
Think you know me well? We shall see.
I will be giving you 5 things that I have done in my life. 4 of them are lies, one of them is the truth. Take your guess in the comment section. A few days from now, I will reveal the correct answer.
1. I have been on TV
2. I once traveled on an airplane under an assumed name.
3. I was an awesome potty trainer.
4. I was beat up by another girl from a different school.
5. I was kicked off a ride at Six Flags for being to fat.
Think you know me well? We shall see.