I would have to say this was the best chocolate covered strawberry I have ever had. The strawberry was so sweet, and it was smothered in chocolate. Total F.O.
Holy moly, numbers almost got to me, but then, I have to look at freaking numbers at least 4 times a day. Being diabetic does have it's advantages. :)
Canned Food
This could also have been used for stack but I had a much better photo for that. Now I'm craving some sweet and sour chicken.
My hubby, the music collector. I bought this picture for him last year. I saw it and it was sooooo him. It hangs in his man cave.
Valentines Day (well Sunday) trip to Sizzler. Home of the best salad bar ever. He had stacked almost everything available on his salad. Told you I had a better one for stack.
Next weeks prompts look a little bit on the hard side. But then, when aren't I complaining about something, right. Of course right.
Capture the Sky
Hell, you would have thought this weeks prompts were blur. My blood sugars must have been playing with my eyes. I took a lot of blurring shots last week.
Anyphotos, try this out, its mega fun.