Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Two Things
Chana, I love you for turning me onto FaceinHole.com. Because as you can see, my boyfriend hooked up with me today. Look at those abs. yum.yum.yum.
Before you watch the following be advised that:
A. Scary Woman, I mean, really scary, hide under your bed scary.
B. Woman that forgets words, like tape dispenser.
Seriously, Miss A will say "yes or no grammie" when she wants something. She is 3.
Ok, you can come out of hiding. I promise not to scare you like that very often. :)
Contemplating Life
Next we have an ant. Again, strong little suckers, can lift tons of weight. Squish, you're dead. What a life.
Tarantula's. Watched on the news yesterday that the male species waits for a decade to mate, finally does, and then whammo, 2 weeks later he is dead. That is just all kinds of wrong. Glad I wasn't born a male tarantula.
We all know how I feel about mice. Why wasn't I born as a mouse? Maybe I was a mouse, in a previous life, and got caught in a trap or eaten by a cat.
Speaking of cats. Why wasn't I born as a cat. I'm glad I wasn't, because they like to eat mice. Just yuk.
I would much rather be a cat than a dog. Cats will at least cover their poop with the cat litter. Dogs, well, they will eat it. That is just all kinds of sick and wrong.
Why wasn't I born a cow. They have more than one stomach. They are born to either give milk, or eat.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Random Questions

Monday, September 27, 2010
Clutz or What?
This is what the chair looked like after I stood on it for, oh about 1 second.

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Drivers Ed 101

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Field Trip - Beds

This little number is for the person that never moves during the night. I'm just thinking, ummm, no.
Now moving on to the bed that rocks. Which brings to mind the saying, if the bed is rocking, don't come knocking. What?
Alrighty then?
Now we are moving into the children's department. All I can say is, where in the heck were these beds when I was growing up, or my kids.
Ahoy Mattie. I can totally see my grandson in this bed. He would love, love, love it.
Du-Du, Du-Du, Du-Du (that was the jaws music, in case you didn't catch on) I want it. I want all the kids beds, ok. I won't keep telling you that.
This one brings me back to my lost in space days. Oh, how awesome would this one have been.
Swiss Family Robinson anyone? I remember when I was just a wee child, going to Disneyland the first time. I loved the Swiss Family Robinson House. Can I just say, this one got me all kinds of excited.
I always wanted a playhouse outside. But this one is even better. A playhouse in your own room. Sigh
Yet another one with a different flavor
Now, because I am awesome, I couldn't leave out all your furry friends. I present to you, the Pet Bed Department.
For the little woman in your life
And the spoiled man in your life
This one I just love. And I don't have any pets. But hearing about all of your pets that hog up your beds, this one would be perfect.

Check Me Out

Friday, September 24, 2010
It's How I Roll

No flip offs today. Mostly because it's been a hell of a week, and the people I would have flipped off have been flipped off. But I found this over on Boobies, Babies & A Blog. She said she was giving it to "everyone" and that just happens to be my name, so I grabbed it.
How many times have you been offended reading someone's blog? Why? I have never been offended when reading someone elses blog. If they start going to a place I don't want to go, I will just move on to the next blog in my reader. Just because they went there today, doesn't mean they will go there tomorrow.
Do you judge people based on how they look? Hell no. (oops, did I just offend, yikes) I myself get "the look". And when I do, I just think to myself, too bad so sad for you. I'm awesome, and you are the loser for not liking the cover.
Do you cry easily? hmmm, my kids will say yes. I admit, I cry over commercials. Sad movies, always in the same part if I've watched it 100 times, when someone I love is hurting. Ok, ok, I cry easily. geez.
When is the last time you shed tears? Yesterday. Not hard, ugly cry, just tears to the eyes. Must be my celexa. :)
If you could have a do-over in life--tell me something you'd do different. Become my own person way sooner than 50.
What's one thing your significant other would change about you if he/she could? If you are single-what would you change about yourself? My snoring and my weight. But he loves me still. And you all already know how I feel about that man of mine. hubba-hubba
Why did your last relationship end? Well, lets see, the last time a relationship ended was the guy I was dating before I met my husband. So, ummm, 32 years ago. Why did it end. Because I was sweet (du-du-du-du, dududu, and innocent) what the heck. Where did that come from. Anywho, he went to serve a mission for his church, and didn't even hug me at the airport. Hugged everyone else there. Put his hand out to me. Screw that. 2 years is a long time buddy! And then, the rest is history...............
Tell me three t.v. shows you can't live without! Criminal Minds (hi lover, you were HOT the other night), NCIS, Law & Order SVU, The Closer, Bones. Do you see a connection here. hmmmm.
That was fun. Now go out there and do something I would do. And if you want to grab the button, and answer the same questions, you can. I'm supposed to come up with my own questions, but considering how well my meme's go, I have given up.
Tune in tomorrow, a surprise is in store.

Thursday, September 23, 2010
It's My Fault
Guess what? Today is the first day that I've started to feel the panic that I didn't feel the first few days as I was trying to keep my kids, grandkids, and hubby calm. I want to cry. I am all sorts of pissed. And then, to be told that it's MY FAULT for buying a house where I did and get over it! I guess if I bought a house next to one of these asswipes, and their kid started a fire at their house with matches, and then the embers started my house on fire, it would be my fault because they were there first. We bought our house because we loved the house, not because of where it was.
I'm still mad that CAMP WILLIAMS wanna-be's didn't follow protocol, knew it was a red flag wind day, still played army, and DIDN'T CALL THE FIRE INTO 911 UNTIL 3 FREAKING HOURS AFTER IT STARTED.
Oh but wait, it's my fault. my bad.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Dora To The Rescue
With all the craziness of this last weekend, I just have to share a little bit of cute with you.

The other day she dropped something between the couch and end table. She was reaching for it and fell between them where there were some pillows. She got stuck and couldn't get out. All of the sudden, she was yelling for her dad,
Ayudame in spanish means Help Me.
And you wondered if watching tv is good for your kids. I'm thinking that if she is asking for help in spanish before english, then she is learning.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
So I Went To Our Corporate Office
Last week I took a little trip down to our corporate location. It's in a small town called Richfield here in Utah. I love to travel to small towns, but I couldn't live in a small town, where everyone knows your business. No- sir- ree, not for me.
Anysmallville, here are a few things I found while there.
You ever wonder what the Tin Mans "short hairs" look like? Well here they are.

Next we have the newest bakery to open. They are known for their cinnamon rolls. I love this box, how cute is her bootie.

I had a fun time. Even tho, I got in a no bar zone on my phone. And having read one to many murder, who done its, I'm starting to freak out. "there is a semi truck in front of me and in back of me". Whatever should I do, what if they pull the old I'll slow down, you speed up and we will run into her. Yikes, good thing I stopped for donuts for the office down there. If I only eat one per day, These should last a week. That is, if they push me off the road and leave me for dear. Yeah, I need to not read those kinds of books.
Until the next time,

Monday, September 20, 2010
Our Day Of FUN And FIRE
Yesterday, we went on a little visit to Lagoon, a local amusement park in in the state of Utah. We had such a good time. It was in the 90's but there was just enough breeze to keep it cool. After spending 6 hours in the fun and sun, imagine going from this..........

The fire was started by Camp Williams, the Utah Army Reserve dudes. They were playing shoot-um-up when they shouldn't have been. It was a red flag day here yesterday with high winds. But hey, they are the government, they can do what they want.
You can read the news story here
and see other pictures. It's so sad. 3 homes were lost. 1650 homes were evacuated. All because they wanted to play army. Thank goodness there were no lives lost.
This was a little to close for comfort for us. We will be smelling the smoke in our house for a few days, but at least we still had a home to go to.
Until Later.

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