Last week I took a little trip down to our corporate location. It's in a small town called Richfield here in Utah. I love to travel to small towns, but I couldn't live in a small town, where everyone knows your business. No- sir- ree, not for me.
Anysmallville, here are a few things I found while there.
You ever wonder what the Tin Mans "short hairs" look like? Well here they are.

Next we have the newest bakery to open. They are known for their cinnamon rolls. I love this box, how cute is her bootie.

I had a fun time. Even tho, I got in a no bar zone on my phone. And having read one to many murder, who done its, I'm starting to freak out. "there is a semi truck in front of me and in back of me". Whatever should I do, what if they pull the old I'll slow down, you speed up and we will run into her. Yikes, good thing I stopped for donuts for the office down there. If I only eat one per day, These should last a week. That is, if they push me off the road and leave me for dear. Yeah, I need to not read those kinds of books.
Until the next time,