Next we have an ant. Again, strong little suckers, can lift tons of weight. Squish, you're dead. What a life.
Tarantula's. Watched on the news yesterday that the male species waits for a decade to mate, finally does, and then whammo, 2 weeks later he is dead. That is just all kinds of wrong. Glad I wasn't born a male tarantula.
We all know how I feel about mice. Why wasn't I born as a mouse? Maybe I was a mouse, in a previous life, and got caught in a trap or eaten by a cat.
Speaking of cats. Why wasn't I born as a cat. I'm glad I wasn't, because they like to eat mice. Just yuk.
I would much rather be a cat than a dog. Cats will at least cover their poop with the cat litter. Dogs, well, they will eat it. That is just all kinds of sick and wrong.
Why wasn't I born a cow. They have more than one stomach. They are born to either give milk, or eat.