It's Friday, and a long weekend is coming up for this crazy Dazee. Yee-Freaking-Haw. I'm so excited. Flipoffs is usually brought to us by Gigi at Kludgy Mom, but she is busy doing all kinds of important stuff, so this week it is being hosted by MammaKiss.

To all the cops that live in my fair city. Flip Off. Why are there so many of you here, and why must you always find yourself behind me? Don't you know I'm a good law abiding citizen? But you give me heart palpitations. I break out in a sweat. I'm scared to death of you. You make me have to go the speed limit. So please, stay away, or move somewhere else. So, take your donut and shove it, and ...............

Dear bad driver dude. (yes, I had my camera ready on Thursday morning, your point?) The lanes and arrows go as such. Right lane, right turn only, next lane, straight through, lane left of that, straight through, next 2 lanes, left turn lanes. Guess what bright-eyes. You turned right on the through lane cuz you were just to good to wait with the rest of us. You almost hit my car. Where in the hell are the cops when you pull crap like that. Hope you get pulled over really soon sucker. Until you do, take this..................

Dear makers of the new credit card machine at work. Flip Off. It would certainly be nice if you could have sent some kind of paperwork with this machine. Oh, what did I need it on? Just something minor like LOADING THE PAPER!!. For being a jerk that started my day off just so fun, take this finger.............creeps..............

Remember how I wrote this post about the cool view of the deer from my porch? Well, they are getting the double flip off this week. Why you ask? Because, hubby is working his butt off planting trees and bushes and doing the landscaping. The deer are coming over and eating the leaves and flowers and bushes. EVEN WHEN HE IS OUT THERE WORKING. They have no shame, or fear. For making some really good looking trees look like crap, deer, take the double finger and get the hell out of dodge..................