This little number is for the person that never moves during the night. I'm just thinking, ummm, no.
Now moving on to the bed that rocks. Which brings to mind the saying, if the bed is rocking, don't come knocking. What?
Alrighty then?
Now we are moving into the children's department. All I can say is, where in the heck were these beds when I was growing up, or my kids.
Ahoy Mattie. I can totally see my grandson in this bed. He would love, love, love it.
Du-Du, Du-Du, Du-Du (that was the jaws music, in case you didn't catch on) I want it. I want all the kids beds, ok. I won't keep telling you that.
This one brings me back to my lost in space days. Oh, how awesome would this one have been.
Swiss Family Robinson anyone? I remember when I was just a wee child, going to Disneyland the first time. I loved the Swiss Family Robinson House. Can I just say, this one got me all kinds of excited.
I always wanted a playhouse outside. But this one is even better. A playhouse in your own room. Sigh
Yet another one with a different flavor
Now, because I am awesome, I couldn't leave out all your furry friends. I present to you, the Pet Bed Department.
For the little woman in your life
And the spoiled man in your life
This one I just love. And I don't have any pets. But hearing about all of your pets that hog up your beds, this one would be perfect.