Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dear....... 12.28.10

Who wants to play Dear...... with me today?  Anyone, Buehler.  OK, well, I will play it by myself then.   If by chance you decide you would like to, grab my little code over there, and link on up.  Remember you can write positive letters or negative ones.  It's all good. 
Dear Hot Shower.  I know that I write to you all the time, but you never let me down.  Please know how much you mean to me and my day.
Dear Criminal Minds.  I see that you are making a spin off.  I also saw that Garcia will be on that show.  Ummm, just wondering, you aren't doing away with the original are you.  Because if I don't get a weekly fix of my boyfriend, it will not be a pretty sight.  But, if you need someone to have him call babygirl, I can do the job.  Call Me.
Dear Holidays.  I have to say, I am glad you are almost over.  In reality, you are over because I really don't care for the whole stay up till midnight thing for New Years.  REM sleep.  That's what I love.  P.S.  Just remind me, when I start complaining that I don't get another paid holiday until Memorial Day.  K.  Thanks
Dear Random.org.  We are through.  Not because I don't ever want to win anything, but apparently you are fixed.  You can be paid off.  It's not who you know its who you, ummmm, (family blog, family blog) REALLY KNOW, wink wink.
Dear Hubster.  Thanks so much for the Keurig coffee maker and purple slow cooker.  This was my best christmas ever!!!  Well, the Christmas you proposed was my best christmas ever.  But that was a long time ago.  OK, then there was the Christmas you gave me my anniversary ring.  All right, all right, this is one of the best Christmases ever.  And yes, dear followers, my hubby reads my blog.  That's why I was hinting so much.
This my friends, closes another edition of Dear..... Please play along.  You will feel so much better.  I promise.