You just are learning so much crap stuff about me. Aren't ya just loving it?
Sunday, October 31, 2010
30 Days - Day 11
Saturday, October 30, 2010
30 Days - Day 10
Baby Back Ribs
St. Louis-Style Spare Ribs
West Texas Beef Ribs
Rib Round-Up*
*Choose from two of our three rib styles
I usually go with the St. Louis Ribs (F.O.)
Then you get to pick 2 of the following.
Ruth’s Pecan Sweet Potatoes
House Barbecue Beans (yum)
Steak Fries
Mom’s Potato Salad (best potato salad not made by me)
Creamy Coleslaw
Idaho Baked Potato
Fresh Seasoned Vegetables
Smashed Potatoes
Near East Rice Pilaf
Burgundy Sauteed Mushrooms
I usually go with the baked beans and either the potato salad or steak fries.
Are you hungry yet?
If you want to see their whole menu click here

Friday, October 29, 2010
FrIdAy FrEaKy - GeT yOuR bEdHeAd On

30 Days - Day 9
Day 9 - A photo of the item you last purchased.
Coconut Cream Donut from Beyond Glaze. I was feeling a little bit down and pastries make me feel a little bit better about life.
This one I fixed the picture so I could present it like they do on the cooking shows. That will be 20 bucks please. Just cuz I presented it so nicely.

Thursday, October 28, 2010
30 Days - Day 8
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Snowy Driving Vlog

30 Days - Day 7

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
30 Days - Day 6
Day 6 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet.

Bedhead Dare
Ok, all you that are scared of the world seeing you in all your bedhead glory. I really want a good amount of you to link up. So I'm putting it to a vote.
Would you be more apt to link up if I did the actual post for Sunday, Halloween Day, so that you could call it your "scary Halloween look". I know a lot of you won't do posts on Sunday, but dang, the ole calendar is not our friend for Halloween this year. So far I've taken 2 pictures and I'm going to continue to take them so I have a few to choose from. I'm a scary witch (said with my best sassy gay friend voice).
Notice the capital WILL, you are under my spell, you are very sleepy. You are taking your pictures. You want to link up. :)
PS: I will put the link up on the night before whatever night you all choose. Cuz I'm cool like that
Monday, October 25, 2010
30 Days - Day 5

Drivers Ed 101 - Class 2
Our next dude is not very bright
I've got a lot to say
Playing chicken with a truck
Could make you dead today.
Fast lane, then next, then the slow lane
Honking by big truck
On to the off-ramp in front of me
I almost hit your butt.
Big Finish
This is the end of this weeks class
I'm sure you had such fun
Learning what your shouldn't do
In Drivers Ed Two Oh One!!!!!
Till next class this is

ps: Did you go vote for one of my tats yet? Bloggers Ink Challenge
ps: Did you go vote for one of my tats yet? Bloggers Ink Challenge
Sunday, October 24, 2010
30 Days - Day 4
Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

Saturday, October 23, 2010
30 Days - Day 3
A nice romantic dinner on the beach, with my hubby, a strawberry daiquiri, coconut shrimp with the nummy pina colada sauce you get at Red Lobster. Lots of hand holding. A nice walk along the beach just close enough for our feet to be in the way of the waves as they were rolling in. Yeah, now I'm totally in the mood for it.

How Brave Are You?

Friday, October 22, 2010
30 Days - Day 2
Hey guys, hold on to your dinner. It's day 2 of 30 Days. What do we have in store today?
Day 2 - A photo of something you ate today.
This is what I had. Looks nummy, no?
Hahaha. Psych.
Ok, this is what I really had, wait for it, wait for it.........
Sweet pork nachos from Costa Vida. Chips, cheese, black beans, pork, more cheese. Put through their little make the cheese melt thingy, salsa, guac and sour cream.
In the ever loving words of Dazee, quite the F.O. For those of you who don't have the foggiest idea what and F.O. is, Food Orgasm. Party in your mouth.
Thanks to my son Brandon for buying them for me. You rock.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
30 Days - Day 1
Answered phones, which can always be exciting to do, do to the fact that sometimes I get asked the strangest questions, as I posted on twitter yesterday.

What questions are in store
Day 1 - A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
Day 2 - A photo of something you ate today.
Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 - A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day 6 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 - Your dream wedding.
Day 8 - A song to match your mood.
Day 9 - A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 - A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Day 11 - What's in your makeup bag.
Day 12 - A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 - Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 - A TV show you're currently addicted to.
Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without.
Day 16 - Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 - A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 - Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 - Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 - The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 - A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 - 15 facts about you.
Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 - What's in your purse?
Day 26 - A photo of somewhere you've been to.
Day 27 - A picture of you last year and now and how you changed since then?
Day 28 - Your favorite movie.
Day 29 - Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 - A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Words Cannot Describe
Today is R.I.P. ;; In memory of the recent suicides due to gay abuse, wear purple. I decided last week to wear purple. Which isn't hard since purple is my most favorite color ever. I was almost in tears when I found this mascara last night at the local Smiths Grocery Store (Kroger)
You read that right Baby Sister, Plum Mascara! I know, right!!
Now, for my other "words cannot describe", the total FO that is called, Starbucks Carmel Macchiato Ice Cream.
Now, for my other "words cannot describe", the total FO that is called, Starbucks Carmel Macchiato Ice Cream.
Just feast your eyes on the description of this FO. Starbucks coffee ice cream, mixed in with vanilla ice cream, and SWIRLS of caramel. I'll give you a minute..............

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Dear Barbara Walters
Dear Barbara Walters ,
While driving home from work yesterday, I heard on the radio that you were still chastising Whoopi and Joy for walking off the set while listening to the hatred that Puke O'Reilly was spewing. They had every right to walk off the set. If I had been in the audience during that show, I myself would have stood up, flipped him off while screaming swear words, and walked out of the show.
Why you continue to bring Puke on your show year after year sickens me. Luckily I DVR the show so that I can fast forward through lowlifes like him.
I have raised my kids to stand up for their rights. That is how I see Whoopi and Joy handled the situation. Instead of sitting there taking his hatred, they got up and walked off. Too bad you don't share their passion for the rights of ALL people. I'm afraid if you were being force fed with a spoon of puke, you would just sit there with a big ole smile on your face. (oh wait, you were)
In the future, if you continue to bring that filth on the show, maybe just you and Elizabeth should be the only ones interviewing him. We all know that she agrees with his views. Or better yet, don't bring him on the show. You play right into his hands. He loves to piss people off. He loves to spread his hate.
Give it a rest on chastising them. They didn't want to get is a pissing match with a Pukestain. I am completely on their side.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Toenails, It's What's For Dinner
I'm thinking, if your toes look like these, it's ok to pop um up there to be eating.
I'm....just....speechless.......... And love Maya even more for doing my pedicures. Because I'm sure she has seen feet like the following two pictures and I would be throwing up into the water. This is why I could never do pedicures on people.
And then we have an extreme case of toenails. That is just wrong. I mean, at least they are all pretty and stuff, but ummm, yeah, whatever.
Now these next two are what your toes should look like. They are all sorts of cute.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Show Me Saturday - Fall

If you look closely you can see a little bit of color at the top of the street. Actually, click on the pictures and you can see them really good.

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