Can I just say that this week has been kind of good, and I really didn't have a lot to complain about until today. But I will get to that. Big shout-out to
Gigi at Kludgy Mom for being able to get them off my chest.

To Mother Nature. I know, I've flipped you off before but really. Tuesday you taunted us with 70 degree weather. Not to hot, not to cold, in the words of Little Red Riding Hood,
just right. How nice of you to give us 100 degree weather the next day. Honestly, my body can not handle the constant change in temp. I'm begging you, get over the hot flashes already. So until you do, take this and put it where the sun don't shine. hehehe, sun, not shining or heating me up, ok, shutting up.................

Walmarts produce department. What the hell is the deal with not being able to find the bags to put our produce in? Is there a shortage? If I'm looking at getting some oranges and they are 2 aisles over from where the bags are, that is not right. There needs to be bags everywhere. Its like playing Where's Waldo in the produce section. Here ya go, produce department take this flip, with a little side note to your coffee buyer for not stocking the shelves with White Chocolate Carmel
Cappichino and asking ME to provide you with the UPC code.
WTH. You both suck...............................

Double Flip of the week goes to Scary Guy at work. I know, he's taken the wrap on some of my
workmares, but today took the cake. So Scary Guy, FLIP THE F OFF. I asked you the other day to kindly not ignore me when I page you to the phone. Yet you continue to ignore me. I walk over to the fax room, which just happens to be by your little cubicle. The phone is ringing, you are sitting there, staring off into space and the phone is ringing. Is there a phone in the fax room? No! You can see I'm not at my desk, yet you allow the phone to ring, oh 8 times, until I get back to my office and then they hang up. But what really took the cake, Mr. Snot Rocket King! I was in talking to one of the other guys in his office and you passed the biggest, loudest, longest fart I've ever heard. And then you don't even excuse yourself. Were you raised with wolves? You, my dear gross and disgusting person can take the double flip. You are now on my no good, very bad, not worth it side!!!!!..........

Didn't mean to make my double flip off such a big rant. But honestly, I dare any one of you to work with him for a day and see how you feel by the end.
Now, where is that chocolate?