1. Have you or would you bungee jump, skydive, or drag race on a track?
2. If you and another blog friend could spend a day together, what kind of trouble would you get in to?
3. If you heard/saw your neighbor abusing his wife or children, would you call the authorities?
4. For $1000 bucks would you eat a pigs penis? (thanks Renee)
5. What is one of your "guilty pleasure" TV shows?
1. Have you or would you bungee jump, skydive, or drag race on a track?
I would love to drag race. I'm pretty good at stepping on the gas when the light turns green. Besides, I bet it would be a blast feeling all that power under you. Bungee jumping I would be scared of the bungee breaking, and skydiving I would like to, but probably never will
2. If you and another blog friend could spend a day together, what kind of trouble would you get in to?
Wow, if I were with some of you, we wouldn't get in trouble. We would probably just do lunch or dinner. Others, and you all know who you are, we would be so crazy that we would probably get arrested. Nuff said.
3. If you heard/saw your neighbor abusing his wife or children, would you call the authorities?
I would now. I hate to say it tho, that when my kids were little we lived next door to this family. One day the little girl came over and she had a black eye. I said to her, "oh my goodness, look at your eye", and the first words out of her mouth were "my dad didn't hit me". I look back on that and think I should have called the authorities. I truly believe in gut feelings and I always had the feeling about this guy, even before the black eye.
4. For $1000 bucks would you eat a pigs penis? (thanks Renee)
I would probably have to say yes. It couldn't be that bad, could it? And if I held my nose I probably wouldn't even taste it. People eat rocky mountain oysters, and we all know what they are.
5. What is one of your "guilty pleasure" TV shows?
Right now, it's LA Ink. I know, huh. I just love the "drama" of the workers, love hearing why people are getting their tattoo, and oh my, those tattoo artists on there do some great work. If I could afford it, I would got to LA and visit them for a tat!
There you go. Now please, with ice cream, whipping cream and a cherry on top, link up and let me see your answers.