You know, when you get into your moments, of thinking. What? Quit laughing. I have those moments ok. Geez. Two things before I show you this weeks shoes.
I really do not feel old most of the time. I think of myself as in the late 20's. I act like I'm that age too. But lately, when I answer questions on behalf of Mr. Dazee, I feel super old when the question is asked, age of spouse. When I enter 54, it just makes me feel like my mother. Which in of itself is a scary thing.
Yesterday, I needed to make a call to my good blogging pals Noelle and Baby Sister. Remember when I went to their place of business to look at playground bark, and met them, and was a goon ball and cried. Well, it is finally time to have the bark bought and delivered. Mr. Dazee asked me to call because, well, they are my friends. I make the call and when the phone is answered, I ask for Noelle or Baby Sister (but I used her real name).
Do you know how odd it felt to not ask for her by the name Baby Sister, and even odder when she answer and I said, "Hi her real name Baby Sister, this is my real name Dazee? She even had to stop and think for a minute. Too funny.
But you didn't stop in for my weird thoughts, you came here to see shoes. And shoes I have for you this week. I'm sure a lot of you have seen the following shoes, but heck. Tis the season to be freaky, am I right, or am I right?
Do you think you would "slip" alot in this pair?
How about feeling like you needed to get your laundry done?
Ummm, ouch
A couple of dogs
I like this pair better
Wouldn't you be constantly hungry?
There are some of you I could totally see in this next pair. And you all know who you are.
You could wear these with your "Joker" costume
But I totally saved the best for last. I freaking love this pair.
There ya go. Some weird thoughts and weird shoes.
Because that's the way I roll
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