Oh my goodness, Miss Jenny is going to be soooo mad. I am so late turning in this weeks report. I know I can slip it on her desk without her noticing. She's busy reading all the others.
The subject matter this week is the Letter Y.
Y did I have such a hard time coming up with a word. I think it is because I just didn't have my mojo going.
I'm going to talk about life vs a yo-yo.
That Donny Osmond was a heartthrob when I was a teenager. I admit it, he made me swoon.
How is my life like a Yo-Yo?
Just like that yo-yo, I have up moments. Those days that I feel like I can do anything, and I'm happy and life is just good.
Then there are the down moments. When I feel so low and think that no one really gives a crap about me. The world seems to be out to get me.
Sometimes I spin out of control and have to take my life by the string and wrap it back up and tell myself that I can handle it.

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