As you know, I headed to my "
cwuason's" place in Idaho a couple of days ago. She likes to say cousins that way, and act all New York accent. I love this girl. I fell in love with this sign the minute I saw it. I guess tho, you might be just a bunch of bones it you stay too long. :)
OMH, this "gym" cracked me up. Notice all the kids toys from the house to the right. Yup, dude changed his garage into the city gym. Bet they have all the newest gadgets.
Hagerman Public Library.
Soooooo little. Doesn't even have a restroom. The librarian has to go across the street to the Chevron to pee. But by damn, they were Idaho Public Library of the Year 2005, and damn proud of it.
Kudos's to you public library.

While driving to the ends of the earth to pick up her son's piano books, we came across this tractor on a pole. Yup, welcome to this guys house. I so should have had Samantha on at that time. Do you think she would have said, "turn right at the tractor on the pole"
Cutest coffee place I've ever seen. It's called The
Thunderbird. Of course you already saw the yummy
mexican lunch that I had on my
FO post. Honestly, if this little joint was by my house, I would be there all the time. So freaking cute.

Driving on the freeway I came across these railroad crossing type arms.
Ok, some of you are probably from States that have these, but I'm not. According to my
cwuason, this stretch of road is from hell if you happen upon a dust storm, or snow storm. So they use to them shut down the freeway.

This sign by far is my favorite part of the whole trip.
Ok, not "favorite", but my favorite picture. I saw the game crossing sign, and my weird and crazy brain totally saw all kinds of board games crossing the road. I'm strange, but come on, didn't you think that too?
I've had a blast spending time with my cousin. She is at my house now, and we have at least 5 more days of fun in the sun. Yesterday it was all about us girls. Me, my daughter and my cousin. New hairdo for cwuason, ped's for all three of us. A fun store at the mall where we all got some fun stuff.
Now its back to work, but shortened days to spend with my company.
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