Wednesday, June 23, 2010

You Know it's ?????? When ???????

I stole this from my good friend Renee at Renee's Ramblings. I know she is my long lost twin sister, that I didn't know I had. Go check her out. I know she would love it.

Renee's Ramblings

You know it's____________when_______________________.
How would YOU fill in the blanks? I have a few of my own...
You know it's a bad day when you wake up on Tuesday and think it is Wednesday.

You know it's a bad day when you are behind a ree-aaa-lll-yyy slow driver when a dump truck just passed you both.

You know it's a good day when you have severe road rage, have used every swear word in the book, and that's before you get out of your place of employments parking lot. :)

You know it's a good day when your 2-1/2 year old granddaughter is outside with her little plastic shovel helping bapa landscape.

You know it's time to wake up when the drool is rolling out of your mouth onto your pillow.

You know it's time to go to bed when the drool is rolling out of your mouth onto you chin.

You know it's a good day when Illinois is finally getting all the rain we had for the last month. (sorry Renee)

You know it's a good week when your wonderful husband buys you the digital camera you wanted, and it's not your birthday for a couple of more weeks. :)

You know it's time for a frappuccino when, ...... hell it's always a good time for a frappuccino. :)

You know it would be a cold day in hell if I didn't have at least one picture on my blog. :)

You know it's going to be a crazy day when you see this dude driving on the freeway in front of you, with skeleton faces on his brake lights. (sorry this is the best I could do, he sped up whenever I did. Hope you can somewhat see them)

You know I'm going to hunt you down, and take pictures of your food if you don't start linking up for FO Sunday. (Food Orgasm) It's on Sundays people. I know that you eat during the week. Take pictures and link on up. (yes, I'm begging you, if you don't I might have to show you my beached whale body) bwaa-haha.

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