To my damn nose. Thanks a whole hell of a lot for either having a stupid hair, or a teeny, tiny boogie that kept making me have to scratch, rub, or blow you. You mad me sooooo freaking mad. Take this finger and stick it.................................
Dear Egg McMuffin. I really had a craving for you on thursday. So I bought you. I separated the muffin from the egg so I could add salt and pepper to your loveliness. When I put the muffin back on, I spotted the fine, white, piece of egg shell that you so kindly left for me to bite into. Don't you know there is nothing worse than a biting down on an eggshell. Yuk. And McDonalds, I want free food for a year. Yeah you heard me right. Get on it like blue bonnet. Until then, take this......................
To the makers of ANY pac and play. Guys, and yes I know it was a MAN that designed the "wrap this around and pull it tight" piece of goodness. Why do I know you were a man? Because, as a woman, it took all in my power to get this thing closed and I couldn't even do it myself. I had to have my cousin help. And have you ever heard 2 angry women swear like truckers at the same time. Yeah, it's not pretty. So, wrap this around you and twirl......................................
This weeks winner of the double flip off is ANY grocery cart that has the wobbly wheel, bent wheel, squeaky wheel and/or any other reason the effing cart just doesn't run smoothly. I hope it really hurt when my cousin kicked you the other day. You deserved it. And also to the grocery stores that don't just send you all to the metal scrap yard. Unhappy shoppers equals, get out of there the fastest you can. So take this double flip-off and enjoy.......................................
And there you have it. The cleansing of my little angers of the week. Now get out there and have a fabulous 4th of July weekend.
The semi automatic cap sealing machine is precision built on sturdy welded steel frame completely enclose in stainless steel sheet and doors are provided to facilitate the servicing of machine. Machine is motorized incorporating rotating threading & sealing rollers, for threading & sealing of ROPP cap.
ReplyDeleteROPP Cap Manufacturers in Mumbai, India is a leading manufacturer of Roll On Pilfer Proof Caps (R.O.P.P.Caps).