Today I am following along with Renee's Ramblings "Show Me Saturday". Her subject today is Photo's That Make Me Laugh.

Click on her cute button to give her some
lovin, and to join along.

This is my cute daughter
Mindi. I went with her to get an ultrasound because they found a growth on her ovary. We were waiting for the tech to come in so, being the picture taking fool that I am, I pointed the camera at her and said smile. She decided to pull the "what the hell am I laying here for" look. I love this girl. I giggle
everytime I look at this picture. (they cyst is non life
threatening and is resolving, big relief)

Oldest son Justin. Halloween is such a fun holiday with him around. He will dress up every year. This is his "
halloween nerd" picture. He cracks me up. All the time. He is the comedian of the family. I really wish I had a picture of his
Napoleon Dynamite
halloween. I think it is on my old computer. (note to self, must get picture off old computer) I love this guy tons.

Mr. serious Brandon.
Ok, he will get goofy, as in he did put on the bunny ears this last Easter. Caught a picture. Was threatened with my life if I ever posted it for "others to see". So, I guess, if I become dead in the next day, he DIDN'T do it. :) He actually is a pretty funny guy, just is camera shy like his mom. I love this guy and he's getting married next
friday. My baby. Cry along with me. boo-h0o-
hoo. I'm not getting older, I'm getting better, right?
Now, must take my camera and go to
Walmart. I will persevere. I WILL FIND A PICTURE OF A
WALMART PERSON!!!! It's one of the things on my bucket list.
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