I went looking for pictures in google. One, because we all know that I love the pictures, but also, because I really wanted to see my favorite things when I was a kid.

When I was a kid, we didn't have video games, cell phones, only 3 channels on the tv and they were in black and white. We had to find things to do. We had great times. I feel sorry for kids nowadays, they just don't know fun. Anykidthing, I would spend hours playing jacks. Of course, we used golf balls. Not the stupid little red ball that came with them. We needed more bounce for our buck. I have to say, I was a pretty good jacks player.
This one was kind of hard to find. Not that roller skates themselves were hard to find, but 60's roller skates. Mine also didn't have those schnazie red shoe laces, but that would have rocked. I LOVED to roller skate. I remember when I got my first "shoe skates". Oh my. Could life have gotten any better. We had an awesome kidney shaped cement patio in the back. I would be out there for hours rollerskating. I wanted to be just like Peggy Fleming (yeah, so?) except on roller skates. I would even put things on the ground to teach myself how to "jump" over them. haha.