It's a great day. I'm not at work, and it's Friday Flip-Offs, when I get those things that have gotten under my skin, off my chest. Thanks again to Gigi at Kludgy Mom. You make my Fridays a better day.

Restaurants. Why is it that you can't cut the bread clear through? Honestly, do you see how it ended up being flattened? Yes, this is the real picture of the bread we had last night at the wedding dinner for my son. Smashed, just because it's "so cool" to have to tear it apart. You get the first one because, it's just not cool to have flattened bread. So take this with butter and flip it.......................

Dear stupid driver. (does it seem like they are being flipped off every week) Yeah, I have road rage. But this white truck. Honest to god, we are on the
off ramp where there is a yield sign, with one lane that you don't even really have to yield. He didn't stop, but he started doing something that he was going, oh maybe 5 miles per hour. Road rage came out, camera came out and words came out. So, stupid driver who almost had me ram up his ass, take this up same ass and twirl............

Dear Warehouse/Order pullers/Drivers where I work. Please stop sending pick tickets through that come with unknown substances on them. I was puking my guts out when this ticket came to my desk. I'm just going to say it's salsa, yeah, that's it, salsa. But I've seen your blood, snot and other things that I have no idea what it could be. I'm going to have to start being like the cashiers at
Walmart and wear surgical gloves while confirming your tickets. Congratulations, you are getting one of my coveted flips this week. Here ya go, take it proudly........................

Dear Grasshoppers. You guys suck. You jump in our way. Yeah, little dude, I know you were trying to "blend in" with your surroundings, and you did a good job, but I spotted you by my car door. You wanted to jump in my car when I opened the door didn't you. Ha, you can't fool me idiot. I pulled out my camera instead. Oh, and not only that, but your brother decided that he was going to terrorize my cousin by jumping onto her shoulder while she was taking out the garbage, and had a stare down with her. Ok, he stared, she screamed, and I was on the phone talking with her at the time. Do you know how loud screaming is in your bluetooth. It's loud. So, dear grasshopper and your brother, you have received the most coveted double flip off. I'm sure you will take it to your next family reunion and flaunt it. But until then..........flip it you little suckers.........
Aaahhhh, so releasing. Gigi, I know I've mentioned my
never ending, eternal love for you before, but you really have saved some of the idiots I am around by being able to get it off my chest.
And now, the big kiss of the week.

I mentioned that we were at my son's wedding dinner last night. Yesterday, the bride, her mom, me, my daughter, daughter-in-law, and the 3 flower girls (my granddaughters) went for a pedicure. Little girls got their fingers and toes painted. With a flower painted on their big toes. So cute. Big kiss award this week goes to all the girls/and guy, that did them. They must all be in the witness protection program, because none of them would let me take a picture of their face.
hmmmm. But they still rock, they put up with a lot of noise and laughter and little girls today (oh, and my 6 year old grandson was there too). And for making all of us look
purdy for the wedding today, I bestow the big kiss. Smack..............

Today is the wedding. There will be pictures. Lots of them. I promise I won't overwhelm you, just the bare necessities.
Until next Friday, keep you arms and legs inside, and have fun.