Friday, December 31, 2010
My Year In Review - Question Style

Thursday, December 30, 2010
I'm In Your Dreams....Sweet
Is that just the best dream a friend could have! Of course, preggo peeing had to get in the way of my kiss!!
Thanks Noelle. You made my day. I totally needed it too, with all this snow that babysister is praying for. Would you please talk to her about that. Thanks

This, That and The Other
By the time you get through this post, you will be scratching your heads wondering what in the hell was on Dazee's mind. Well, this post is my mind. Scary........ Plus all of these have just happened since Christmas Day.
This was my lunch yesterday. Teriyaki steak and chicken, rice and the best macaroni salad ever.
It is from a place here in Salt Lake called Mo Bettah Steaks. Yeah I left you the link so you could go look at all the awesomeness of their menu. There's pictures.
Chili's to go parking. Got a kick out of it so I thought I would share.
What do you get your hubby for Christmas when all that is on his list is Common Sense. Oh yeah, I rock.

This little business is down the street from my work. Take a look. Victors Custom Wheels and Restaurant. Yup, cuz nothing tastes better than eggs, bacon, hash browns and pancakes with the lovely smell of rubber in the air.
Now a little update on my What A Sham post. Yeah. I unfollowed the blog, but my mind can't stand not knowing what other commenters said. I went and checked last night. Honestly, why do I do this to myself. Here is the comment I put
Dazee Dreamer said...
Wow, Jennifer57 must have an in with random.org.
jealous, can you tell
Jennifer57 said...
LOL Dazee :)
Thanks everyone....I just keep entering and think positive :)
Congrats to all the winners!
WTH. Jennifer honey, you won 11 of 40 prices. Are you congratulating yourself?
One last thing. I didn't have the internet all day at work yesterday. Not only couldn't I do work related internet stuff, but I wasn't able to go into blog land. So I have this question. Please feel free to answer in the comment section.
being at Walmart behind a "walmart person" without your camera.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Dear....... 12.28.10

Monday, December 27, 2010
My Laminated List

Number 2 on my list. Christopher Meloni aka Elliot. Have you seen the muscles on this guy. Oh my. And don't ya just love it when there is sexual tension between characters. Him and Olivia, two of my favorite characters with that tension.
Number 3 is actually Number 3 and 4. Brad Pitt I would kiss. He's just hot. Unless he has that really strange beard thing he had going last year, then not some much. And yes, I would totally kiss Angelina, she is number 4. Anyone that can look that good pregnant is hot in my book. Of course, there is you diehards that think she is satans mistress since he left Jennifer Aniston for her. I would leave Jennifer for her too. Got it. mmkkk
Number 5. Mark Harmon aka Gibbs. He has definitely gotten better looking with age. Didn't do much for me when he was younger, but now, hubba hubba. And Abby is my favorite character on NCIS. I love how he is like a father figure to her.
Number 6. Denzel Washington. I especially think he is hot with the 5 o'clock shadow going. I liked him before John Q. But omg, when a man can cry over the love of his child, I even loved him more.
Number 7. Robert Redford. My friend Pam is always telling me that she has seen him in person and he is short and ugly. So, he was hot at one point in his life. And when he played in the Horse Whisperer, mega hot. K. I'd kiss him.
Number 8. Neil Diamond. I know that a lot of you are scratching your heads right now, wondering if I have gone over the deep end. First of all, he is dark like my hubby. I also think this man has aged beautifully. Have you seen him man in concert? Oh my. I have, and was close enough to the stage that I was giddy with excitement. And when he sang You Don't Bring Me Flowers, and kissed a lady in the audience, I was so jealous. Best concert ever!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010
What A Sham

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - 12.26.10
Christmas day. So much fun. I love it when I have all my grandkids around. They light up my life.
2.Motion Blur
At first I was thinking I would never get a photo of this prompt. But then, it happened. It's a car lot with all it's lights aglow. I think it turned out awesome.
3.Pretty Package
The Christmas present my daughter gave me. I love the way she wraps presents. I'm just the wrap it and if you are lucky I might put a bow on it kind of gal. It was a Burt's Bees gift box. My kids know me too well.
I know you are asking what this photo has to do with glow. Well, I was with my cousin, we were having a nice dinner at Olive Garden, and ordered strawberry daiquiris. We were glowing with delight from the first sip on.
My daughter-in-law's wedding rings.
Too much fun. You really should try this. Its a cool challenge week after week.
There won't be a scavenger hunt next sunday. Dang. Whatever am I going to do with my time.

Saturday, December 25, 2010
I Must Have Been A Good Girl
I saw this link on a blog that I follow and thought I would link along. Yeah, I excited for my gifts, what can I say.

Dear Santa,
Thank you so much for the gifts you brought me. I love them already.
How did you know I wanted the purple slow cooker? It wasn't on my list. The handle on the lid is even purple. So, so, cool.
I am in 7th heaven over the other gift you brought me. I could hardly contain my excitement. If I could have jumped up off the couch I would have. But there were toys and stuff all around. 

A Very Peaceful Night

Merry Christmas to you all. I hope that your day is everything you had hoped it would be. I am following along once again with Jenny Matlocks Saturday Centus. This is where she gives us a prompt, and we have up to 100 words to write something using it. I have highlighted the prompt in blue.
It was a very peaceful night with little to no traffic on the streets. I was roaming around my apartment, warming my hands with a steaming cup of coffee, when I glanced out the window. I spotted a lone person, navigating his electric wheelchair through the snow.
He stopped at the beautiful old church, drawn by the sounds of the children’s choir. As if pulled by some kind of magic, the white-bearded fat man rolled through the church doors. As he neared the choir, the children surrounded him and felt a peace they had never felt before. This was going to be a Christmas that they would never forget.
Merry Christmas

Friday, December 24, 2010
And So It Is Finally Christmas
It is 6:23 PM, Christmas Eve. Life is soooo different when you don't have any kids living at home. Well, I kind of do, as they live in the basement, but they are their own family. Me and hubby are just hanging out, doing our own thing. Him napping, me sitting at my laptop.
I remember when my kids were little. We would have Christmas Eve dinner. It was always the way we did it. After cleaning up, we would get in the car and go in search of neighborhoods that had cool christmas lights. After we got home we would let them open their brother/sister gifts. That was always fun. One year my oldest son bought his sister a can of hairspray. I didn't even remember that till she brought it up to him on facebook the other day.
I am grateful that I won't be getting up at the crack of dawn in the morning. Unless I hear the pitter patter of little feet running into our room to show us what Santa left. I am grateful that my granddaughter that was diagnosed with asthma finally had a night of uninterrupted sleep. I am grateful for all my kids and the joy they bring to me.
A great big Merry Christmas to all my blogging friends. You are all the best authors I have ever read. And the best part is the "book" is neverending. Always a brand new chapter to read.
Sleep tight, Santa's on his way.

Thursday, December 23, 2010
My Favorite Holiday Songs - Josh Groban - O Holy Night
BeCaUsE nOtHiNg SaYs CHrIsTmAs LiKe.............

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My Favorite Holiday Songs - Silver Bells - John Denver
This One Day At Work.........
If you chance to meet a frown
Do not let it stay.....
Quickly turn it upside down
And smile that frown away
What? I was bored. OK. Geez
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My Favorite Holiday Songs - What Child Is This

Dear....... 12.21.10

It's here, it's here. It's time for our Dear...... letters. I know you are all chomping at the bit to link on up.

Monday, December 20, 2010
Its All In The Name
Today, you are all going to be sooooo lucky. Ok, maybe not. I am going to Vlog. First of all, yikes, scary looking Dazee, but hey, it's all good. Second, my brain is a rebel. It looks at some names of companies out there and goes to places that it probably should not go.
If you are offended by me being crazy and the name of some of the companies that I am going to talk about, then you best just X out. Now, it is all PG stuff, so don't worry. Just putting out the disclaimer so you all don't have a freak out when you are watching. I could have kept doing takes of this, but honestly, I scare myself looking at me, so I just went with it. If I ramble, remember, I'm old. Yeah, that's what it is.
There you have it. A day in the life of Dazee.
The End. :)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
My Favorite Holiday Songs - Still, Still, Still - Mary Chapin Carpenter
Sunday Stealing - 12.19.10
Cheers to all of us thieves!
26. Whose responses to Stealing do you want to read the most?
All of them I click on
27. What color shirt are you wearing?
Flesh, I'm naked. psych. Green
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
Having never slept on satin sheets I would have to say, ummm maybe. :)
29. Can you whistle?
Heck yes.
Purple, duh
31. Could you be a pirate?
I would rather be the pirate's wench
32. What songs do you sing in the shower?
None anymore. Hell, I have a hard enough time remembering if I put shampoo on my head.
33. Favorite girls name?
Natasha. Sounds like a spy
34. Favorite boy’s name?
I'm kind of liking the name Jaden right now.
35. What’s in your pocket right now?
Nothing. Don't have a pocket. Remember, I'm naked.
36. Last thing that made you laugh?
My 3 year old granddaughter. Took my water bottle off my night stand, took a drink, brought it over to me and asked me what it smelt like. I said I didn't know. Asked her what it smelled like and she said "you germs".
37. Best bed sheets as a child?
Back in the olden days, when we had to walk uphill, in the snow, both to and from school, we just had normal, everyday regular sheets.
38. Worst injury you’ve ever had?
While rolling skating when I was 11, my brother pushed me and I went flying towards the windows of our garage. Put my arm out to stop myself. Yeah, didn't work. 132 stitches later, I was as good as new.
39. Do you love where you live?
Oh yes. And I am such a homebody, that I just sit on my couch and say, "man, I love it here".
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? How many HDTVs?
Two. None of them are HDTV's. I know, we need to join the 00's (that would be the 2000's)
41. Who is your loudest friend?
Probably me. What? Can't I be my own friend?
42. How many dogs do you have?
That would be a big fat ZERO
Shemar Moore. Again, what is with the looks? Why couldn't he have a crush on me?
45. What are your favorite books?Murder mysteries. Fiction and Non-Fiction
47. Favorite Team?
48. What songs do you want played at your funeral?
49. What were you doing at 12 AM?
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?

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