At Dazee's place of employment, crazy things are considered especially funny. In Salt Lake City, the dedicated employees who investigate these crazy antics are members of an elite group, known as the Strange Happenings Unit. This is their story. Dun-Dun Store 3 boys challenge Store 4 boys (store that I work at) to a Flag Football GameSaturday, November 20th Store 4 boys have all been "trying out" for QB. Much football throwing in the warehouse. Wednesday, November 17th9:00 AM Mr. Dispatch says, "has anyone seen the football?"Much looking ensues. Yeah, lots of work getting done. Manager of the store receives Ransom Note via email. If you want to see your pig skin again
You better bring lunch Saturday.
Or we will cut him.
What The!!!!They send pictures of Mr. PigskinDun-Dun NOOOOOOO, DON'T DO IT!
Stupid, stupid kidnappers, don't you know you should be wearing masks.

Oh geez guys, all of you? Do you not watch any Law and Order shows? You have been outed.
Store 4Thursday November 18th10:00 AMDun-Dun Transfer is done to Store 3 requesting the return on Mr. PigskinTransfer driver arrives at Store 4 This is what arrives.Mr. Pigskin is suffocating!!!!!!Dun-Dun
Please release me, let me go.....
Stay tuned for scenes from the next episode.Roll CreditsFade to BlackGo To Commercial