Saturday, November 27, 2010

Where's Baby Jesus?

Yesterday was a big day around our house.  Time for the tree to go up.  My hubby is the best.  He should be a professional putter of the lights on the christmas tree dude.
As I have mentioned, we are finally able to put up a tree and decorations this year because we aren't in a small extended stay.  To say that I am overjoyed would be an understatement.
I have to say, our fireplace is great for putting decorations on.  As you can see, we have the nativity figures on the right hand side.  When we were putting them up, we questioned how long our 3 year old granddaughter would be able to keep her hands off of it and playing with them. 
 She came up while bapa was stringing lights, and was amusing herself while I was spending time on the computer, doing what I do best, vegging. :)  When she went back down to her house, and I ventured out into the family room, I walked over to the fireplace to take another look. 

We are now going to play a little game of "Where's Baby Jesus?"  Do you see him in the manger?  No?......Look closely.......Did you find him yet........
Oh, there he is, sleeping on the camel.  At least the angel was watching over him. 
Little kids.  They really do make the season bright.