Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dear........ 3.29.11

Why, hello there.  So glad that you stopped by.  It is Tuesday which means its time for Dear..... letters.  Today my dear friends, I'm going to put a linky so that you can link up, if you want.  Just remember to grab my code over there.  I think if there is only 1 or 2 of you linking along, I'm going to be A-OK with that.  Big huge crocodile tears might be streaming down my face, but there is no pressure.
If this is your first time here for Dear.... letters.  Every Tuesday we do letters to whomever.  They can be mean or nice.  This is an equal opportunity meme.
And away we go......
Dear Swagbucks.  I'm am becoming addicted.  The only problem is, I like the trusted surveys, and some days there aren't any.  Other days, well, I guess I'm just too old and boring for them.  Please, I'm saving all my Swagbucks for something very special.  I will give you tons of love letters.  See, I've already started. :)
Dear IntenseDebate.  We have a problem.  On Fridays when I play along with the Shoegasm meme, anyone that posts a comment gets automatically sent to "This comment requires Moderation".  Last I checked, most the people that read my blog are over 18.  They are S.H.O.E.S. for hecks sake.  Do I need to change my Post Title to "Oh My, Look At These Shoes?"  Step up and leave my commenter's alone.
Dear Mother Nature.  I know that I sent you a letter last week.  I'm sending you one again this week.  Since last my last letter, I have woken up to snow 4 out of the 7 days.  Today is March 29th.  What is wrong with this picture?  I am going to track you down.  And guess what.  I have a Posse this time around.  We heard that the southern hemisphere, that just changed to the Fall season, would really like some cold and snow.  Go see them with all your PMS/Menopause Symptoms.  In other words, get the freak out of my hemisphere!!!!

Dear Lady at A-Fresh.  Yes it is ok if you forgot something, to run and grab it while you are at the checkout......it is not ok to go and get the eleven items you missed while I wait so patiently in line. I will be throwing your items into the next lane if you don't get back in 3...2...1, oops, were those eggs. :)

Dear Deer.  I've seen you lurking around.  I've seen those beady eyes looking at me like I owe you shrubbage.  I see the little buds TRYING to come out on the trees.  They are having a hard enough time with Mother-Freaking-Nature not knowing where she is supposed to be.  Trees and Flowers are for humans enjoyment.  I will get you, deers.  Count on it.  You best be afraid.....very afraid.

Dear Wall.  I'm still a little upset with you.

Dear Hot Shower.  I've left you out lately.  No, I still shower every day, but I haven't spouted my love and adoration for you.  You are so hot and steamy.  I heart you big time.

Dear Ohio St.  You suck.  You ruined my chances of winning the money at work.  You have killed the chances of a lot of people nationwide that had you at least going to the final four.  To think, I don't even like college basketball.  But this March Madness crap takes control of my brain every year.  I'm checking myself into rehab.

Dear Boyfriend.  (that would be Shemar Moore for all you that don't know about my boyfriend).  Its bad enough that you are such a joy to feast my eyes on.  But now, after watching a Criminal Minds marathon, watching your walk just.......wow.........blink.......blink........wow......
Please just call me babygirl once.  It's all I ask.
