Friday, March 11, 2011

What Can I Say

Jenny at My Life As Jenny, is one freaking funny lady.  And apparently, she thinks I'm kind of hot too.  (not hot as in "hello sexy" hot, funny hot).  Coming from someone who constantly cracks me up, I'm touched.  Don't say it, I know what you're thinking, "yeah Dazee, touched in the head a wee bit".  Stop it guys, your hurting my feel bads. :(

The Rules are as follows............

1.)  Copy and paste this award to your blog
(okey dokey)

2.)  Thank and link to the person that tagged you with it.
Jenny, I'm beside myself with joy.  Not another personality named Joy standing beside me, just......, oh you figure it out.

3.)  List 7 facts about yourself
On their way

4.)  Give the award to 5 other bloggers and tell them they have it. 
Oh goodie, the pressure

7 Wonderful, fascinating, exciting things I haven't told you yet.

1.  I love asparagus.  I don't remember my mom making it when I was a kid, but now, oh my, I love that stuff.  And call me crazy, but I actually like it the best out of cans, not fresh.  I know, right.

2.  I got a new tattoo while on my girls trip.  (ssshhhh, I haven't told the hubby yet, oh wait, hi honey, by the way I got a new tattoo, love you tons)
It's a Gothic butterfly to go along with my other butterflies.  It's actually the one my cousin really wants, but her husband would freak if she gets one, so I got it for her.  I think it kind of rocks.  (ps for hubby:  this was one of the expenses of the trip I didn't have to pay for babe, aren't you happy?) (ps for those reading this:  I'm doing major suck up here, can you tell)

3.  Yesterday, at precisely 6:36 AM, the 5 year, 60000 mile warranty, ran out on my car. 
Still have up to 100,000 miles till the power train warranty runs out.  And no, I have no idea what that is.  :)

4:  I heart Abby on NCIS.
  Her character is so awesome.  She's goth but so cute and freaking smart.  I want to be her when I grow up.

5.  Coke Slurpees are the best invention EVER.   When you are slurping away on one of them you really do have a "coke and a smile".

6.  Speaking of coke.  Coke Zero is tons better than Pepsi Max. 
And for all of you that think Coke Zero taste like Diet Coke (you know who you are), you are sadly mistaken.  Another little known fact.  Coke Zero came out about a month after I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  You have never seen a person that was so happy about that. 
The look of Coke Zero is so much sexier too.  rawr.

7.  When I microwave popcorn, I also melt butter and pour it all over it. 
Thank you to Marisa McClellan for having a picture on google for exactly what I wanted. Now doesn't that just make you want to grab a Coke Zero and have at it?
Apparently I was hungry while working on this post.  :)
Now on to 5 bloggers that I'm giving this award to. 
The part I hate.  Now wait, not that I hate giving it to someone, just hate not shouting out to everyone. 
Christy at My Mad Mind
Kimberly at All Work and No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something
 The Bipolar Diva

These are just the ones I'm giving a special shout-out to this time around.  I love all of their blogs for different reasons.  They all make me laugh at times, cry at times and have overcome some things that make me strive to be a better person, and they aren't afraid to put it all out there on their blogs. 

Also, if you want to do this, please take the picture.  I love to find out stuff about you guys.  Pretty please, with a cherry on top.