What a weekend. My oh my. Remember last time my cousin was in town. I wrote all about it in Chapter 1 . Well, she was in town for another fun filled weekend. To start the weekend off right, we headed to a local place for a nummy breakfast. It became a whole lot nummier when some men in uniform showed up. Yeah, I'll take fireman number 1 with cream and sugar please. I have to say, my cousin was "pretending" to take a picture of me. Yup, that's my big arm in the picture. What a girl.
We were supposed to have uninterrupted us time for Saturday and Sunday. "Supposed" to being the key word. They were coming here for Thanksgiving anyway, but then her husbands grandma died, so his whole family came to town. Funeral was Friday. Oh, but hey, since everyone is here, husbands sister decided, hell, lets get married on Saturday. Ummmmm, alrighty then. You have now cut into our time. But cousin cleared it with the bride and groom that Dazee could go to the family only wedding. (much to the displeasure of girl talking to guy in picture below)

Here is cousin at the wedding. One of the other sisters (also in this picture) decided that they would stream ribbon on the chairs, ON THE SIDE THAT EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET IN THE SEATS ON. So you had to lift yourself up over the darn things to get in the row. Yeah, it took three shots with the camera to get the fake trip just right, but hey, if you can't have fun at a wedding, then it's just not worth it. Notice the arrows pointing out the flowers. These were the flowers from grandma's funeral. ????????
Next stop, Time for hair. Yippee-ya-hooey. At least they know we are goonballs there. This is the color I'm getting my hair done in. I bet you can hardly wait to see how the blue looks.
While I'm sitting under the dryer my cousin and her hair girl were talking about me. Oh, they were pretending they were trying to talk to me. It turned into a booger war. Yup, shooting pretend boogers across the room at each other. Yeah, I'm in my 50's, and your point is?
This is me sporting the fine mohawk Santa look. Don't be jealous
This is cousin sporting the very popular Little House on the Prairie look.
Oh yes, we are rocking the looks.
And ta-da. Cousin's look. She's working it. Strike a pose. Vogue
Santa Dazee look. Not so rocking it. At least I showed you a picture. Hey, where's the freaking blue?
I have to say, I have the funnest times ever with my cousin. We laugh so freaking hard that my stomach hurts for days. We will rent ourselves out to you for any "FUN NEEDED AT" adventures. You pay the airfare and hotel fees, we'll provide the entertainment. :)